Tag Archives: the March for Life

The March for Life is Not Enough


Welcome home to all those who have recently returned from the march on our nation’s capital, and thank you for standing up and being counted for life!!  It truly is an inspiration to see the number of people that make their way through the ice cold snow and refuse to be silent, especially when the majority of those people are our youth.

I’ve heard it said so many times, even at the March for Life Vigil at the Basillica of the Immaculate Conception, “The youth are the future of the pro-life movement.” To which there is always tremendous applause.  However, I disagree with that statement and any statement that sends across that message.  Not that the youth aren’t important, but rather the youth are the pro-life movement now!!

We (I still consider myself to be pretty young) have been ushered into this movement by those that have come before us.  They have set us up for success. They have blazed the trails.  They have made the laws. They have set the rules. They have written the books. They have opposed the arguments. They have found the answers. They have been a part of the solution for 41+ years. I am tremendously grateful for them and everything that they have done.

But now it is our time!! No offense to any of the people that have been in this work for ages, but when you get older you start to move a little slower. Not through any fault of your own, but it is a fact of life. Another thing that happens when you get older, for some reason our society has stopped listening to the elders, saying that they need to catch up with the times.  In times before, the older people were, the more they were sought for wisdom and guidance. We respected those of old age.  But now, old age goes hand in hand with religious zealots who need to get with the times and learn how to use a computer. It’s very unfortunate.  But because of this, we must now take the torch that they have set aflame.

We must act now!! We are the pro-life movement of today!! I call all youth to step up and make a difference.  For some reason, abortion proponents think that pro-lifers will just die out.  It is time to show them that they are horribly and incredibly mistaken.  The pro-life movement is alive, strong, and kicking harder than it ever has.  If you don’t believe me, look at pictures and videos of the march.  Watch interviews and read the blogs. The number of young people there is incredible.

However, the March for Life is not enough.  It is not the end all and be all of the pro-life movement. You cannot attend this march and think, “Oh, I’ve completed my pro-life duty for the year.”  There is much, much more to be done.  And I challenge you to do it.

What do we need?  We need strong, courageous young people to step up and make a difference.  We need people who are ready to commit their lives to bringing an end to injustice. Do you think that segregation came to an end because a bunch of people marched.  No!! The injustice of segregation and the legality of racism was brought to an end because people committed themselves to the cause.

They were arrested, they were abused, they were mistreated, they were beaten, they were bruised, and yes they were even killed, fighting for their cause.  This is why their march had such an impact.  It was because they could and would be arrested for marching.  They could and would be arrested for conducting sit ins.  If someone spoke out against the injustice, they were marked for abuse.  Should we expect any less?  I’m not encouraging violence, but rather non-violent direct action will bring us to negotiations.

Yes, this work is difficult, but it is needed.  The generations that have come before us have prepared the fields, but now we need laborers to tend the harvest.  I promise you that there will be times when you think you cannot do this.  I promise you that there will be people that constantly insult you and hate you.  I promise you that there may be times where it seems like you are fighting a battle that you cannot win.

However, I promise you that we will win.  I promise you that your purpose will be fulfilled.  I promise you that the friends you make will outnumber your enemies.  I promise you that you will save lives.  I promise you that you will change hearts and minds.  I promise you that the injustice of abortion will come to an end.

But in order for these promises to happen you must take the first step.  You must fight for life. You must make a stand.  If not you, then who.  If not now, then when.  If you truly believe that abortion is taking the life of a living human organism, then you must act on it.  You must take a stand against it.  I encourage you to get involved.  Don’t know how…ask me.  I’ll help you out.

First things first, get educated.  Why?  Because, did you know that it is not just a belief that abortion takes the life of a living human organism, it is a scientific fact.  It cannot be debated. We are not in this because of a mere belief, we are in this because we know that 1.3 million people are being murdered each year.  If you think that it is ok to sit by and let this happen, then you are wrong.  Every person who strives for goodness and equality should be doing something to bring this genocide to an end.

I challenge you again. Get involved.  Many of you can start now.  Some of you can actually dedicate your lives to this.  There are many people that can’t do this work, but who are willing to pay for this work to be done.  I bet that you know at least a few of them, and you could be one of them.  Support raising is a legitimate means of devoting your life to a cause.

I ask you to join me in full time ministry against the works of the abortion industry.  Why? Because abortion will not come to an end until there are more people working full time against it than there are people working full time for it.

We have to make a stand and say, No more! No more will I sit by and watch the injustice of abortion take the lives of my brothers and sisters. No more will I allow for the violence of abortion to run freely through my state.  No more will I allow countless women to be violated and torn from the inside.  No more will I allow my sisters to be told that they can’t handle a child.  No more will I allow society to tell women that they aren’t strong enough, smart enough, or ready to bring a child into this world.  Women are so much stronger than abortion gives them credit for.  No more will I sit still and shut my mouth when 3,500 children are being murdered a day.  No more will I let blood flow through our streets.  No more will I sit idly by and let evil reign.

Evil’s reign has come to an end.  Be the Voice in the Desert crying out, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”  Justice will come.  Good will prevail.  We will bring an end to the injustice in our world, if we actually work to do so.

For those who aren’t religious:  I know that there are many who don’t believe in God that are also in the cause for life, and I thank you.  By the light of reason you have come to understand the injustice of abortion and I ask you to fight along side me as well.  Your commitment to bringing an end to abortion is very much appreciated.  Thank you for your service as well.

Again, I wish to thank the generations that have come before us and set us up for success.  You have been extremely amazing.  But now, it is our time!!  We will bring an end to abortion, if you do something to stop it.

In God’s Infinite and Eternal Love,

Please keep in mind that if you disagree with anything I said, please bring it to my attention and you may prove me wrong or we can discuss.